January 2023

13th : I gave an online lecture for the students in Kozue Matsumoto’s class in CalArts.

18th : I received a CD from MachineFabriek. It include 52 musicians short track mixed with Electronic sound by Rutger Zuidervelt. Streaming service will be also available after 17th of February!

27th: Performance in Mysterious Mask Party at the Grey Space in the Middle in Den Haag
February 2023

3rd : Beautiful concert with Musica Assoluta in Hannover

9th : I performed with Haika Lübcke in Tonhalle Zurich, congratulations Haika for your beautiful program and performance!
March 2023

13th-15th : Recording with Orchestra Metropolitain Montreal for Rita Ueda’s “Birds calling… from the Canada in You” great technicians and equipment!!

25th : Having fun and getting back the feeling for the improvisation with Jan Schellink “Vlinder Vangers”

31st: Rejoining to the “Circles” project in France! Nice to see and play together again with Jocelyn(Fl), Yaping(Yangqing), Jozef(Electronics), Florian(Percussion) after 2years.
April 2023

28th: Performing for the Japanese garden Opening ceremony in Clingenael Den Haag
May 2023

16th-20th: Tour with Theatre of Voices, rehearsal in Copenhagen and went to beautiful Bad Reichenhall.

26th : Performing for the Opening of Schlossmediale Werdenberg.

28th : Concert with Franziska Baumann(vocal) and Lucas Niggli(percussion). It was a big fan!

30th, 31st : Recording session with Ken Ueno for his Documentary film. Recorded a new solo piece for Sho.
July 2023

8th : Duo Concert with Claudio Jacomucci (Accordion) in Concert series of Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam. Premiered Aspasia Nasopoulou’s “Five elements” after 10years!!

27th-30th : Back to Copenhagen, Participating in the Theatre of voices Festival 2023.
August 2023

24th-26th : Performing as an Ensemble member for the Conductor course “Conductor as Dramaturg”.
September 2023

11th : Duo concert with Femke IJlstra (saxophone) in the Emmy Verhey Festival. Nice to catch up with old classmate!
October 2023

15th : Azrieli Music Prize Concert in Cadogan Hall in London under very intensive security
Novenber 2023

5th : World Premier of “Aphrodite” for the Sho and String sextet by Richard Rijnvos, with Ives Ensemble at the November Music in Den Bosch.

10th-13th : Traveled to Gabriora island for performing a chamber opera “I have my mothers eyes” by Rita Ueda.

14th : Day off at the Granville island market in Vancouver, my favorite place

16th : Japanese traditional music concert in Roedde House Museum Vancouver

18th-19th : Performance of “I have my mother’s eyes” at Chutzpah! Festival in Vancouver. Very touching to meet with the family who are the characters of the opera.

21st : Rehearsal with Turning Point Ensemble in Vancouver, with Owen Underhill and Richard Rijnvos.

25th-26th : Concerts in UBC